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Agenda Day 1: LSO Global Summit

Also see the Day 2 Agenda | Day 3 Agenda

Day 1


2 October 2023

LSO Global Summit

The LSO Global Summit focuses on 3 major topics:

1. LSO Vision, Adoption, and Roadmap

Critical information on which to base your product and automation rollouts.


  • LSO adoption status and forecasts until 2025, including the latest on entry of LSO buyers.
  • LSO strategy and roadmap, including LSO APIs, LSO payloads, and LSO blockchain.
  • Significance of alignment with TM Forum APIs.
  • Plans for alignment with CAMARA APIs.
  • Importance of LSO for MEF’s secure NaaS roadmap.
  • Significance of open standard smart contracts and DAOs.
  • The role of LSO operational APIs.
  • The amplification value of MEF-endorsed LSO payloads.
  • MEF’s plans for use of generative AI.
2. LSO Solutions and Support

An overview of all the programs and assets available before, during, and after implementation.


  • Overview of the complete LSO solution provider ecosystem, including the LSO brokers, LSO API implementers, and LSO consultants.
  • How to get to market faster with LSO solution providers.
  • Accelerating the onboarding partners using the MEF LSO API Onboarding & Interoperability Test (OIT) Service.
  • Market leadership with LSO API certification.
  • Finding LSO partners.
3. LSO User Stories

A view of LSO in practice.


  • Automated SLA Reporting service.
  • Transforming from LSO seller only to LSO buyer/seller.
  • Using LSO business APIs between service provider group subsidiaries and departments.
  • LSO solution provider use cases.



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LSO API Adoption


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Stan Hubbard, MEF, Principal Analyst

  • Status and forecasts until 2025, including the latest on entry of LSO Buyers.
  • State of the Industry report on inter-provider business automation.

LSO Vision and Roadmap


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Pascal Menezes, MEF, Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer

  • Importance of LSO APIs and LSO Blockchain as core components of MEF Secure NaaS.
  • Alignment of LSO, TM Forum, and CAMARA APIs.
  • LSO Payload strategy alignment with industry trends.

LSO Blockchain


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  • Standardizing and using LSO Smart Contracts.
  • The zero-knowledge paradigm, public-private blockchain, and SaaS offerings—example of automated SLA Report service.
  • Market adoption and internal organizational acceptance.

LSO Product Payloads


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The LSO value amplification of MEF-standardized and MEF-endorsed product schema blended with LSO APIs.

LSO and Generative AI


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Susan White, Netcracker, Head of Strategy & Portfolio Marketing

Telecoms want to understand how generative AI can be used to capitalize on their investment in LSO APIs and LSO Blockchain, and to accelerate their ability to offer compelling NaaS. In this session we will hear about how Large Language Models (LLM) can be augmented with techniques such as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to work in real time with a service provider’s rapidly changing data and distributed siloed and/or federated database environment, while taking advantage of the enormous power of publicly trained LLMs like GPT-4 and PaLM 2.

  • Applicability of generative AI in the telecom industry.
  • Harnessing the power of rapidly changing and highly sensitive service provider data in a generative AI environment.
  • Opportunities for use of generative AI both within the service provider and externally with partners over LSO interfaces.

LSO Service Provider Use Cases


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LSO Service Providers will present a range of diverse enterprise B2B and wholesale use cases, covering a range of products and services for which LSO APIs can be used, including:

  • Last-mile access.
  • Interconnect and global transit.
  • Enterprise connectivity.
  • Edge compute / network edge.
  • Satellite connectivity.

Networking Break

Sponsored by albis-elcon

Welcome Back

Emcee: Rosemary Cochran, Vertical Systems Group, Principal and Co-Founder

Scaling the LSO Ecosystem Part 1: LSO Springboard, MEF LSO API Onboarding & Interoperability Test (OIT) Service, and LSO API Certification


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A new program to enable larger scale onboarding and release alignment. And finding LSO Partners.

Scaling the LSO Ecosystem Part 2: LSO APIs for Smaller Sellers


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Finding the sweet spot for downstream suppliers and upstream customers.

LSO Operational APIs


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Michael Kearns, Amartus, Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer

Performance monitoring in space.

LSO Solution Provider Use Case: NaaS at the Telco Edge


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Divesh Gupta, Console Connect, Vice President, New Technology & Sales Operations

Extending NaaS to the Telco Edge using LSO APIs.

LSO Solution Provider Use Case: LSO Ordering in the Existing Ecosystem


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John Denemark, TransUnion, Senior Vice President, Carrier Provisioning

LSO Order—integrating LSO and ASRs.

Closing Remarks for the Day


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Kevin Vachon, MEF, Chief Operating Officer

Day 2


3 October, 2023

Day 2 focused on 3 major NaaS topics:

1. NaaS & Digital Transformation

Speakers will examine migration to NaaS in the context of digital transformation of enterprise customers, communications service providers, and other ecosystem players. We will explore diverse perspectives on the definition of NaaS, the major components and capabilities of NaaS solutions, the role of NaaS providers and NaaS enablers, and differences among NaaS, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. Speakers will explain why NaaS transformation requires a holistic approach to business, operations, network, and workforce transformation and collaboration with ecosystem partners. We also will highlight the special role that industry organizations play in defining and evolving NaaS.

2. NaaS Opportunities & Challenges

Speakers will dive into what is driving the industry shift toward NaaS, explore key service and security needs and challenges of enterprise and SMB customers, and discover real-world benefits that NaaS offers service end-users. We will discuss the NaaS market opportunity for service providers and technology players, emerging cloud-centric business and operational models associated with NaaS, the implications of NaaS for wholesale service providers, and the key end-to-end service capabilities that will require coordination and collaboration among ecosystem partners. Speakers will also example how service providers can maximize growth opportunities through delayering and federating resources.

3. NaaS Service Features & Bundles

Speakers will explore the benefits of next-generation NaaS that offers unprecedented user control, real-time changes, cloud-like experiences, and subscription- and consumption-based billing options.  We will examine the evolution of NaaS solutions, including early experiences, lessons learned, new service bundling options, and more.  We will examine the role of SD-WAN and SASE in secure NaaS as well as the role of NaaS platforms when it comes to multi-cloud connectivity. Speakers will discuss the power and promise of NaaS solutions that span multiple providers, are built with federated resources across automated networks, and that offer end-to-end visibility and service assurance with unified SLAs.

Day 3


4 October, 2023

Day 3 focused on 2 major NaaS topics:

1. NaaS Ecosystem

Next-generation services increasingly will be made of piece parts of many providers, which could include retail service providers, wholesale service providers, hyperscalers, technology solution providers, data center providers, and others. The networks supporting these services will be fully API-driven. Automation must happen throughout the supply chain where all parties adopt a common, standardized set of processes and APIs at both the business process and operational levels. We will discuss the roles of various players in the ecosystem and how they are working toward a common goal of reducing friction in the buying and selling of NaaS and other advanced services across automated networks. We will explore market adoption of MEF LSO business and operational APIs and hear about the benefits achieved by service providers who are using LSO APIs as buyers and/or sellers. We also will learn key insights from LSO solution providers who are helping companies accelerate implementation of LSO APIs.

2. Automated Networks

Speakers will dive into the building blocks and success factors for NaaS automation. We will examine the important role that NaaS platforms play in automating interconnection and cloud connectivity. We will explore NaaS-related APIs for enterprises, the evolution of NaaS with intent-based networking APIs, the potential role of AI to enhance NaaS performance, and the challenges, opportunities, and implications of opening NaaS platforms to developers.  Key NaaS-related API standards (MEF LSO, TM Forum Open APIs, CAMARA) will be explained.

Opening Remarks


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Enterprise Executive Perspective: What Users Need Most From NaaS Solution Providers


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Radhika Venkatraman, Cerberus Capital Management, Senior Advisor

Ecosystem Approach to Network Monetization


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Stephanie Ormston, AT&T, Assistant Vice President, Network Analytics and Automation

Web3 Technologies and Network-as-a-Service


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Paul Gampe, Console Connect, Chief Technology Officer

Delivering APIaaS & SaaS Enabled Connectivity Ecosystem


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Ben Edmond, Connectbase, Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Automating Business and Operational Functions Between Ecosystem Partners with LSO APIs, Blockchain & Smart Contracts


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Why NaaS Requires Standards-Based Automation Throughout the Supply Chain


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Michael Kearns, Amartus, Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer

What it Takes to Build an Automated Ecosystem Supporting Many Services & Partners


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Taking NaaS to the Next Level:  Network APIs and AIOps


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Shawn Hakl, Microsoft Azure, Vice President, 5G Strategy

LATAM Executive Perspectives: Accelerating Automation Between Buy & Sell Partners


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Evolving from Digital Telco to an AI-powered Digital Service Provider


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Analyst Perspectives: Key Takeaways From GNE


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GNE Wrap Up & MEF Q4 Members Meeting (5 & 6 October) Preview


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Kevin Vachon, MEF, Chief Operating Officer