Bob Mandeville

Iometrix, Founder and President

Bob Mandeville is founder and president of Iometrix, the networking industry’s preeminent test laboratory.

Throughout his career Bob Mandeville has been strongly committed to advancing industry testing standards as author and contributor to test specifications at the IETF, IEEE, MEF, MSF, IP/MPLS Forum and BBF. Prior to Iometrix, Mr. Mandeville founded European Network Laboratories (ENL) based in Paris, France running major networking testing projects with the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the Government of Belgium, the French Electricity Board and several global financial and banking institutions. ENL test reports reached a worldwide readership of 800,000 industry specialists and was awarded the Computer Press Association’s “Best of the Year” award.

Bob Mandeville has conducted seminars on various networking subjects in the United States, Europe, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia and also authored two seminal Carrier Ethernet test specifications MEF 9 Abstract Test Suite for Ethernet Services at the UNI and MEF 14 Abstract Test Suite for Traffic Management Phase 1 both recognized as authoritative references throughout the fast-growing Carrier Ethernet industry. Mr. Mandeville also authored Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) testing specifications RFC 2285 Benchmarking Terminology for LAN Switching Devices and RFC 2889 Benchmarking Methodology for LAN Switching Devices widely employed in the Ethernet industry.

Mr. Mandeville attended universities in both North America and Europe and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brock University in St. Catharines, Canada, a Masters degree from the Sorbonne in Paris, France and a DEA degree from the University of Paris VIII.