Wenyu Shen

NTT Communications, Senior Manager & Principal Architect

Wenyu Shen has over 15 years of experience in the telecommunications industry and currently serves as a Senior Manager & Principal Architect at NTT Communications. In this role, he drives NTT Communications’ edge strategy and leads a project developing a commercial edge computing platform, SDPF Edge. In the meantime, he is also actively involved in and contributing to the Open-Source Communities and standardization bodies such as ONF and MEF. Before his current position, he was in charge of several important projects for commercial services such as Enterprise Cloud 2.0, Arcstar Universal One, and Software-Defined Network service.

Prior to joining NTT Communications, Wenyu Shen started working for NTT Network Innovation Laboratories in 2008, where he oversaw research projects that covered GMPLS, OSS/BSS, and network virtualization. He holds more than 30 patents and is the author of numerous papers and presentations in network architecture and design.