2023 MEF Accelerator Live
Each initiative brought together participating companies from the service provider and technology provider parts of the NaaS ecosystem to show how MEF work is being utilized and extended to create essential building blocks for tomorrow’s NaaS offerings.
Great work with the Accelerator program. GNE 2023 was a total success!
The 2023 MEF Accelerator Live explored these areas:
SLA Report Automation Using Smart Contracts: Wolf Town 2023
The growth of the digital services market is increasing the importance and scalability of managing exceptions to service-level agreements (SLAs). Wolf Town has developed the industry's first open standard smart contract to automate the generation of monthly SLA credit reports to free up valuable telecom staff currently tasked with preparing reports manually.
This session will demonstrate how this has been developed as a service for all telecoms that utilizes the latest blockchain, zero knowledge, and public chain technologies to ensure privacy and scale while automating SLA credit reporting.
Transacting Edge Compute Services: Hot Mongoose 2023
As the result of the growth in 5G deployment, the telecommunications industry has been paying more attention to edge computing as a potential value-add service driving new revenues for both the telcos and cloud providers. Increasingly, enterprises need a larger edge computing footprint from their preferred service provider. Enabling retail service providers to supplement their own telco edge coverage with edge computing services from wholesale partners is the obvious solution.
The challenge is that business automation between telco edge operators is not currently based on open, standardized APIs with standardized edge computing data schemas. Hot Mongoose brings together some of the world's leading telco edge providers to reach consensus on using open, standardized LSO APIs together with a MEF-endorsed data schema describing the required edge computing service.
Enterprise Cloud Network Automation: Flat Hammer 2023
A significant transformation from vertical to horizontally integrated enterprise networks is taking place; this transformation involves retail providers and managed service providers (MSPs) leveraging network services from a diverse range of partner providers who are co-located or interconnected at shared points of presence.
This session will demonstrate seamless, automated negotiation and management of network services between retail providers and their ecosystem of partner providers. These networks encompass a wide array of suppliers offering various service components, including last-mile access, inter-connectivity, transit/multi-cloud core, cloud services, security, and applications.
Next Generation Billing for On-Demand Services: Stone Panther 2023
Inter-carrier transactions rely on a mix of automated and manual processes, the latter of which can be complex, expensive, and time sensitive. It relies on human intervention and is prone to manual error, slow dispute resolution, long payment cycles, and exposure to fraud. Existing frameworks are slow to adopt and support emerging traffic types, such as bandwidth on demand, edge network slices, or critical IoT, on which future digital services growth will be based. The evolution of an operational and commercial settlement infrastructure at the wholesale level is critical to underpin network innovation.
Stone Panther brings together leading service providers to explain how they are using smart contracts to enable the most advanced form of billing for on-demand services.
2023 Agenda: MEF Accelerator Live Presentations
Also see the Day 1: 2023 LSO Global Summit Agenda | Full Day 2: 2023 Agenda | Full Day 3: 2023 Agenda
Day 2 & Day 3
Tuesday, 3 October, 2023 & Wednesday, 4 October, 2023
MEF Accelerator Live Presentations

Flat Hammer
2023 MEF Accelerator
A new breed of enterprise cloud network automation:
- Service provider and enterprise perspectives on multi-cloud networks.
- Demonstration of automated cloud network.
- Panel Discussion
- Q&A
Find out more about Flat Hammer on MEF.net >

Wolf Town
2023 MEF Accelerator
Automated SLA Reporting using an LSO smart contract, blockchain and LSO APIs:
- Automated SLA Reporting using an LSO smart contract, blockchain, and LSO APIs.
- Buyer and seller perspectives on automating SLA reporting.
- Demonstration of use of shared trusted smart contract via LSO Trouble Ticketing & Incident API.
- Panel Discussion: The use of a subscription service from MEF-Sage and onboarding additional partners.
- Q&A
Find out more about Wolf Town on MEF.net >

Hot Mongoose
2023 MEF Accelerator
Transacting Edge Compute Services
Transacting IaaS using LSO APIs and MEF edge compute standards for multi-provider edge compute footprints on demand:
- Overview of the most important use cases today.
- Demonstration of extending edge compute footprints using LSO APIs.
- Panel Discussion: The impact on different markets of multi-provider edge compute footprints.
- Q&A
Find out more about Hot Mongoose on MEF.net >

Stone Panther
2023 MEF Accelerator
An operational solution based on smart contracts and blockchain to manage a mutually endorsed source of truth for both Buyer and Seller for inventory matching and automated settlement of fixed line data services.
- Overview of the current working solution.
- Demonstration.
- Panel Discussion: Scaling up for large numbers of carriers.
- Q&A
Find out more about Stone Panther on MEF.net >